Robyn Sheiniuk, LCSW

Robyn Sheiniuk, LCSW is a licensed clinical social worker who is currently licensed in CA and FL. She has focused her 29-year career on working with trauma. First, as a clinician in LA, working with underserved children and families in both outpatient settings and residential treatment facilities. She has worked as a Clinician, Clinical Supervisor as well as a Clinical Director both in CA and NJ in outpatient and residential settings. For the last 10 years, she has focused on her private practice, serving veterans and clients working on complex, chronic trauma, and acute trauma, in addition to working with clients on grief and loss and cancer-related issues. She is trained in TF-CBT and certified in EMDR. She also has extensive training in psychodynamic therapy and attended a training program at LAIPS, one of LA's psychoanalytic institutes. She currently sees clients in CA and FL via telehealth as well as providing ongoing supervision to both licensed and unlicensed therapists.

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