Revolutionize Your Intake & Treatment Plan Process
This course will set you apart as a therapist. As you learn a results-driven Intake and Treatment Planning Process, developed over 25 years, you will become a warrior in expediting your clients healing by monitoring specific and measurable goals each week. Every client deserves to know that their therapist understands their goals and has a comprehensive treatment plan to assure they will accomplish them. As you upgrade your Intake and Treatment plans, your outcomes will improve dramatically. Attendees will learn to do a comprehensive Intake with every client by assessing the five most importan...Read moret areas to include, and carefully attuning to how the client wants to grow. They will learn to measure each client’s goals, diagnoses, negative cognitions, traumatic experiences and relevant resources at the onset of therapy. We teach attendees how to monitor progress throughout the therapeutic process until all goals have been met and the client is ready to graduate.
To register for this training go to: Less...
Learning Objectives
- discover how to assess eight of the most common mental health conditions with the Amen Clinic Questionnaire, The MDQ for Bipolar, and the PCL-5 for PTSD.
- observe and participate in the client intake process three times; first by witnessing it with a live demonstration, then as both the ‘client’ and ‘therapist’ in partner practice.
- determine the five most important areas to assess in the intake and treatment planning process in-office.
- identify three different assessments to use during the Intake process and when to use them. (Amen Clinic Questionnaire, MDQ Mood Disorder, and the PCL-5 for PTSD)
- understand the ten traumatic experiences in childhood measured in the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACE) and how high ACE scores impact longevity and health.
- list the six positive outcomes resulting from a specific and measurable treatment plan.
- list 3 examples of positive resources a client might list during their intake process.
Learning Levels
- All levels welcome
Friday, September 05, 2025
09:00 AM PDT - 05:30 PM PDT
No CEs awarded for breaks or lunch.
● 9:00-10:30: PowerPoint
○ The PowerPoint will discuss why the Intake and Treatment Planning Process is so important to outstanding outcomes, emphasize that graduation, not dependence, is the ultimate goal of therapy, review how the process was developed, and teach the participants the five most important areas to assess with every client.
● 10:30-10:45: Break
● 10:45-12:15: Demonstration of the Intake Process
○ Witnessing the Intake and Treatment Process from start to finish on one class member, as if they were the client, deepens and embodies participants' understanding of the entire process.
● 12:15-12:45: Debrief of Demonstration
○ Attendees can clarify any questions they have about the process in order to allow them to be able to execute the process with another participant.
● 12:45-1:45: Lunch
● 1:45-3:15: Practicum of Intake Process
○ Each participant takes a turn at being the “client” and the “therapist” with their own Intake paperwork that was pre-filled out before class as well as five additional forms to be completed while with the client while in session together. This helps students to internalize how to do the process with a live client.
● 3:15-3:30 Break
● 3:30-4:00 Debrief Practicum
○ This allows attendees time to get their questions answered while deepening their understanding of how to do the Treatment Planning Process effectively.
● 4:00-5:00: Q&A
○ This allows time to ask questions and share experiences in order to fully embody and feel comfortable using this technique when the attendees go back to their clients.
● 5:00-5:30: Closing, final questions, case studies, etc.
○ To further clarify and the process and understanding of how to use the entire process by answering any remaining questions and sharing more personal case studies.
CE Information - Earn 7 CE Credit Hours including
0 Clinical Hour
CE Approvals
New York State Education Department's State Board for SW
Association of Social Work Boards
National Board for Certified Counselors
New York State Education Department's State Board for LMHC
Department's State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an
approved provider of continuing education for licensed mental health
counselors. #MHC-0284.
New York State Education Department's State Board for Mental Health Practitioners
New York State Education Department's State Board for Psychology
CE Process Info
Each professional is responsible for the individual requirements as stipulated by his/her licensing agency. Please contact your individual licensing board/regulatory agency to review continuing education requirements for licensure renewal. Please note: You must attend "live" (in real-time) to earn CE credits.
Before the event, you will receive an email from CE-Go with access to the virtual event. After the event, you will receive access to your evaluation and continuing education certificate via a personalized "attendee dashboard" link, hosted on the CE-Go website. This link and access to the virtual event will be sent to the email account you used to register for the event.
Upon accessing the CE-Go "attendee dashboard", you will be able to:
- Complete evaluation forms for the event
- Download your continuing education certificate in a PDF format
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the CE-Go platform, please contact CE-Go at 888-498-5578 or by email at Please Note: Emails for this event will come from "".
If you have any continuing education related questions, please contact your event organizer.
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