Tracy M. Gilbert, ATR-BC, LMHC

Tracy Gilbert, ATR-BC, LMHC is a Board Certified Art Therapist and NY Licensed Mental Health program. After working in clinics, non-profits, schools, and hospital settings for 15 years, in 2018 Tracy established a private practice specializing in teens and younger adults who were facing struggles with anxiety, life transitions, and trauma. After guest lecturing and presenting at Russell Sage College multiple times, Tracy was invited to be an Assistant Professor and Program Director for the Creative Arts in Therapies/Expressive Arts in Mental Health program. She continues to maintain a small private practice so that she can be current in her teaching methods. Tracy has a working knowledge (read: rusty fluency) of American Sign Language and is a very beginner at Spanish. She is an avid reader and painter and loves to sing in the car.

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